
Memory Studio is a collaborative reckoning of past, present, and future. Rooted in Africa and the African Diaspora, Memory Studio is an experimental platform for questions and questioning, undoing and doing, making and creating for liberation. 

Guided by an understanding that colonialism, capitalism, and racism have brutalized the equilibrium of heritage and knowledge accumulation, Memory Studio is a vision of what was and could be for learning about heritage and tradition, pre and post colonial. 

Memory Studio seeks to create a fluid avenue for liberatory future-world-building, pulling from archive, artifact, and history. Understanding that the current format of this knowledge is often restricted and decontextualized, Memory Studio proposes a new strategy for building a knowledge base for movements and communities. Breaking the binaries and boundaries of time, space, and motion, what can be done with our history as it exists today and tomorrow? 

Go to the travel menu to explore our case studies.

Contact: memorystudioxyz@gmail.com

Our Guiding Stars


Material Culture

Artifact, Archive, Oral History, Tradition 

  • What was done before, what is done now? 

  • Who, What, Where, When, How


Sankofa is a word in the Twi language of Ghana that translates to "Go back and get it" (san - to return; ko - to go; fa - to fetch, to seek and take)

Memory Studio

Space, Time. Makerspace 

  • Workshopping, experimenting,  building, creating, based on the aforementioned information 

  • Sustainable and preservable in the digital and physical world. Interactive, copy pastable, buildable, renderable. 

  • Collective and communal, not individual. In fact, hostile to individualism. It is contrary to this function.


Love, Learning, Fighting. 

  • Community Organizing & Activism

  • Knowledge Accumulation & Dissemination